

Friday, January 30, 2015

"Tell everybody I'm on my way..."

There is something absolutely exhilarating about packing up your life into your car and driving it to someplace completely different to start a brand new adventure. On August 14th, 2012 I squeezed everything I could possibly fit inside my trusty travelling sidekick (including my mother) and we headed for Disney. From my hometown it's about a 12 hour car ride, but the anticipation stretched it into what felt like 4 days.

My mom and I stayed in the All Star Sports hotel the night before check ins which commenced on the 15th. Now let me explain check ins. When you are accepted to the College Program (or maybe during the application process, I can't quite remember) you select a start date. This is simply you deciding which date between a few choices provided works best for you and the time you wish to spend there. I had decided to do the program that Fall semester so most of the start dates were in August. The start date refers to the time you are set to arrive and check in for you program.

In true Disney fashion, this process isn't mundane and structured like being assigned to your dorm. If you are participating in the College Program there is designated housing. Disney provides three different apartment complexes for students- Vista Way, Chatham Square, and Patterson Court. (I will designate my next post purely to Housing) Because housing is first come first serve, people begin lining up for check ins at 3:00 a.m. Check ins are held Vista Way, the original apartments of the College Program. You line up at the gate along with the other participants and wait until 8:00 when the actual registration process can begin.

The registration process consists of mainly handing in personal information the Disney Company would need to employ you. You also receive your photo identification that allows you within the apartment complex and gives you access to the bussing system provided for the college students. When you are finished registering you line up outside to load a bus that takes you to the Casting Castle. The Casting Castle is where you will receive your role (or job) and the location you will be working. When you arrive as a College Program student you literally know nothing. You are completely unaware of where you will be living, what your job will be, and sometimes who you will be living with. For me, this was exciting, but for some people it was very unsettling. When we arrived at the Casting Castle we were lined up down a long hallway (Alice in Wonderland themed, might I add) and we were each handed small slips of paper and told to wait. When everyone had received there’s we were allowed to open them all together and the hallway erupted into chatter. Some were giddy with excitement, some stared at their slips of paper in horror. Because on these sheets of papers were our new lives. And I looked down to see “Elise Robinson-Animal Kingdom-Food and Beverage.”

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