

Friday, January 23, 2015

''Adventure is out there!!"

Anytime you casually mention that you once worked for Disney World, everyone around you stops mid conversation to ask the big question- How? The Walt Disney Company receives thousands of applicants per day for thousands of different positions. The career opportunities are endless, but the difficulty is getting your foot in the door. How can you set yourself apart from the other papers sitting on the desk? One option people have commonly recognized as an easy and convenient way to begin their journey with Disney is with the DisneyCollege Program. While this will take multiple days of postings to fully outline, here is a quick explanation of what it is. The CollegeProgram is designed for college students interested in working for Disney while also gaining school credit towards their degree. During your program you live in College Program Housing, take Disney classes, and work one of the various jobs offered. While you do receive a paycheck, a part of it is taken out weekly to put towards your Housing, which is kindly discounted by Disney and right outside Disney property. Now the College Program is not to be confused with Disney Professional Internships. While most colleges accept the College Program to be credited as your Internship towards your degree, the responsibilities and credibility is very different. The College Program is almost always purely a stepping stone. Many people that are interested in furthering their career with Disney, and possibly beginning that career with an Internship, begin with the College Program in hopes of gaining extra experience and setting themselves apart when applying. Some of the Internships even require a College Program graduate, and will not allow others to even submit a resume. On the job Disney experience is very important to the Disney Company. To further enlighten you on the Disney College Program I will use the next few posts to illustrate my first few days there. With moving, check ins, housing, and training the first week was a whirlwind to say the least. Following that I will make sure to continue shedding light on the fascinating inner workings of the Happiest Place on Earth, so stay tuned!!

“If you dream it, you can do it.”
                                -Walt Disney

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